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Tips to Find The Best Place to Put a Birdbath

Pewter Flight on Novus Plinth

All About the Birds!

There are many reasons you may want to consider placing a birdbath in your garden, so in this blog, we will give you tips to help you to find the best location.

A birdbath is a good idea to support wildlife, but what might not seem obvious is that choosing a location is just as important as choosing the type of birdbath. Birds have very specific needs, so you’ll need to pick the right spot.

First, you’ll need to decide which type of bird you would like to primarily attract. A birdbath can provide hours of entertainment, watching the birds flock around or you may be interested in attracting certain species to your garden.  If you want to encourage birds that eat worms, choose a bath that includes a shallow area within the water. If you want to attract songbirds, choose a deep bath. The key is to find the right combination of water depth and bird type.

Maybe you want to protect your trees and plants from getting too crowded by insects, or maybe you want to create a habitat for birds that would otherwise be endangered.

Regardless of why you want a birdbath, the good news is that there are many options available, and it’s easier than you may think to figure out what type of birdbath you’d prefer to have and where would be best to put it.


Where Is the Best Place for a Birdbath?
Because no two gardens are identical, deciding the ideal location to place a birdbath can be tricky. You can examine the garden’s layout and local birds’ requirements to find the best location by considering many variables.

When it comes to picking a location, the bath’s size and weight are crucial. A large stone birdbath might be difficult to transport and may injure delicate plants or sink into soft soil. A smaller, lighter bath, on the other hand, needs protection from high winds that may lead it to tip over.

The ideal area for a bath will be influenced by the local climate and seasonal variations. A sunny location in the north may be optimal, since sunshine may help keep the water warm on chilly days and even keep it liquid in the winter.

A shaded position, on the other hand, keeps water cooler on hot days and helps decrease bacteria development.

Birdbaths should be placed in calm, safe settings where they won’t easily slip, fall, or spill. To maintain the depth and optimize the basin’s water capacity, it should be as level as possible.

If required, level the ground and create a sturdy surface beneath the bath with gravel or paving slabs.

Birds will not use a bath that they cannot see, and you will not appreciate the bath if you cannot see the birds using it. Choose a site that provides good views for bird watching and is visible to birds in other sections of the garden, so they are aware of its presence.

Keep the Birdbath Clean
To keep the birdbath clean, you need to focus on the placement. That will help in maintaining the water quality. Baths should not be placed near trees or bushes that drop a lot of blossoms, seeds, or fruits. Similarly, keep baths at least a few feet away from feeding places to avoid gathering spilled seed, hulls, or faeces in the water. Periodically the birdbath will need to be emptied and cleaned to ensure it remains hygienic. For more advice please visit Birdstracker – how to keep bird baths clean. 

Source of Water
It is easier to maintain a clean birdbath, fresh and filled, the closer it is to a hose or tap. If the bath must be located further away from a water supply, ensure that any hoses are long enough to reach the basin and that buckets are easily accessible for refilling the bowl.


How Do You Get Birds to Come to a Birdbath?
Most of us know that birds are attracted to water, but few people have considered how to get them to drink the water. Birds don’t typically drink straight from a water source—they prefer to dip their heads into it, splash it over their feathers, and lick their wings.

So, how can we encourage our feathered friends to visit the birdbath more often? Here’s a hint: put a few inches of water in the bowl first. Birds aren’t used to standing in cold water, so they’ll likely come to the birdbath for a drink before coming to play. You can also include small pebbles in the bowl to provide perches and make the deep water less daunting for smaller birds.



Does It Make a Difference What Color a Birdbath Is?
The colour of a birdbath is important. Birdbaths with brighter colours are more likely to attract more birds since they can see them from afar. Birds are drawn to birdbaths that have the same colouring as them.

In conclusion, birdbaths are fantastic additions to any garden and will help to support our feathered friends and in turn, the entire ecosystem. Happy birdwatching!


Introducing Tony Manhart . . . Tony Manhart is the founder and editor in chief at GardeningdreamTony’s enthusiasm and rich experience in all things related to growing plants has led him to share his knowledge with gardening aficionados all over the world. When he is not working around his garden, Tony spends his time writing tips and tricks on various subjects related to plant cultivation and soil maintenance.

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